Offering the best in - Internet, Technology & Telephone

telecom agent cda
Telecom Agent Vs Internet and Phone Companies Today I want to talk about telecom agents. Many people have had an experience with an “Internet company” stopping by their home or business to talk about the latest and greatest service. They may say something along the lines of how great their service is and how horrible all other options are. A telecom agent differs from an Internet company in that the telecom agent represents a multitude
Business, Tech Tips, Technology
backups disaster recover plan
What’s the difference? Today we are talking about backups vs disaster recovery. How they are the same, how they are different, and what you need to be successful. Let’s discuss both options.  Backups A backup could be something that uses a thumb drive to copy a certain set of files. Or, it could be something that uses software, such as Acronis or Carbonite to backup files, settings, pictures, documents, and program files on a regular
Business, Servers, Tech Tips, Technology
msp managed services provider
Today we’re going to be talking about managed services providers (MSP), specifically within the IT industry. You may have heard this term – MSP or managed services. I want to tell you a little more about what that is and why it could be beneficial to your business or operation. What is an MSP? A managed service provider essentially takes over the day-to-day functions of IT and technology management for businesses, some large homes, enterprises,
Business, Tech Tips, Technology
video conferencing
  Today, were talking about video conferencing. You know, that thing we all used to do (and hate) and now we’re forced to do every day? Yeah, that. There are a lot of video conferencing options out there and many of us have been forced to work with what we have. Sometimes, that’s a laptop camera and microphone that sounds terrible and looks even worse. Instead, check out what we install for clients looking for
Business, Tech Tips, Video Blog
what is wi fi 6

August 19, 2020

What is Wi-Fi 6?

Learn more about how Wi-Fi 6 works. Also learn what Wi-Fi 6 means for hotels, motels, RV parks, and the rest of us. Plus, is it actually faster? Find out now from a local tech expert and owner of Intechtel in Coeur d’Alene, ID. Hey everyone, Adam with Intechtel here. I’m here with a quick tech tip today and today were going to be talking about Wi-Fi 6. What is Wi-Fi 6? Well Wi-Fi 6
Tech Tips, Technology
wifi slow internet
In this time where more people are working from home than ever before, Internet connectivity issues are becoming more common. Our techs who service Coeur d’alene, Post Falls, Hayden, Spokane, and surrounding areas have seen an increase in calls concerning slow Internet speeds, outages, and spotty connections. Although tech support is sometimes needed, there are a handful of investigative tools and practices that can be used to uncover the root of your connectivity issue before
Tech Tips, Technology, Video Blog
remote working from home technology
As major companies like Google, Apple and Amazon have already asked select employees to work from home as a precaution against the Coronavirus, local businesses may be considering what to do if their employees also need to work remotely. James Gardner, IT specialist at Intechtel in Coeur d’alene says, “there are a few logistics that businesses need to think about when switching to a remote work environment. Things like remote access, video conferencing and a way to
Tech Tips, Technology
cyber security castle
 Cyber-attacks are becoming an increasing threat to businesses of all sizes. Employees might notice simple changes to their homepage, endless pop-ups, strange new programs, phishing emails that look legitimate, frequent crashes or even complete file lockout due to ransomware. Unfortunately, these experiences are becoming more prevalent as technology evolves and is adopted by more businesses. According to research from Cyber security Ventures, a business fell victim to a ransomware attack every 40 seconds in
Business, Tech Tips, Technology, Video Blog
Turn Output Power Down in a Few Easy Steps If you live in a densely populated area such as an apartment complex, RV park, or condominium, it may be a good idea to turn down your wireless router’s output power. This is an easy way to be a good WiFi neighbor and help reduce wireless interference. Learn how to adjust output power in just a few simple steps.
Tech Tips, Technology, Video Blog
How do people find out more about a business? They probably Google it. That’s why business owners need to be hyper-aware of how their business looks online. Whether you have a new business or an established business that is unsearchable on the internet, now is the time to work on your online business presence. Here are five effective ways to ensure your business looks as professional and trustworthy online as it does in person.  
Tech Tips, Web Design Tips

July 21, 2013

IT Field Sourcing

Are you a national IT / Tech Support organization looking to have a local project handled in North Idaho and Eastern Washington? Intechtel offers contracted IT services on an incidental or project basis. One call to 208-635-4400 gets a resource secured for your project with negotiable payment terms on an hourly or time and materials basis . Some of the items we specialize in include: Data / Internet cabling, termination, or moves Computer hardware troubleshooting

June 11, 2013

Operating Systems

Intechtel knows computer operating systems. From Windows to Linux and everything in between, we can assist you with your Operating system issues, including driver issues from changing operating systems. We can also assist you with changing your operating system to something more familiar or user friendly. Need to restore your system after a hardware failure, but no longer have your restore media? We can help you with getting your system restored, and your files back